About me
I am a London based teacher, and have been teaching regular classes since 2019. I experienced my first yoga class more than 15 years ago at the Sivananda centre in London.
In that class, it made me aware of how tense I was. My jaw was clenched, my mind busy with thoughts, and my breath was shallow and short.
Like many of us in modern life, I’ve spent a lot of time over the years in my head, and not my body. As a result, its been hard to listen to my intuition - overthinking the smallest things. I have often struggled with anxiety, not only with big life decisions, but some of the smaller day to day ones too.
Yoga has helped me to be more aware of my body and breath, and feel more connected to myself. Of course, it is all part of a lifelong journey. But I have better tools now to help in moments of anxiety and indecision.
Having felt the huge benefits of a regular practice, I completed a 200hr Anusara Hatha Yoga training with Bridget Woods Kramer. Since then, I have also grown to love slower practices like Yin, Restorative and Qigong, and have completed various training in these over the years.
Through yoga, I have met some of the most genuine people, and lifelong friends. I want to create a space in my classes where people have fun, let go and don’t take themselves too seriously. Most of all - they feel more connected to others, as well as themselves.